Are you struggling to navigate communicating with your tenants? Establishing a clear and effective communication channel with your renters is one of the best ways to maintain a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship.

This article explores the pros and cons of the three most common communication methods: email, text, and call. Each has its own set of advantages depending on the scenario you're dealing with and your tenants’ preferences.

Whether you are a seasoned landlord or renting out your first property, understanding the nuances of these communication channels will empower you to make informed decisions, ensuring a smooth interaction with your tenants every time.

Dive in to discover which method might align with your management style and improve your relationships with your tenants.

When to Call Your Tenant

Calling your tenant is advisable in situations that require immediate attention or a personal touch. This includes:

  • Emergencies and Urgent Matters: In case of emergencies or urgent matters, a phone call is the most direct way to communicate. It allows for immediate interaction and clarification of any uncertainties.
  • Courtesy Reminders: A friendly reminder about upcoming rent payments or property inspections can often be more personable over a call.
  • Detailed Information: When detailed explanations or discussions are required, a phone call can provide a dynamic interaction, reducing the chance of miscommunication and the amount of back and forth required.

A property manager in a black suit tells a client about their services over the phone

Tips for Effective Phone Communication

  • Maintain a professional tone.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the call.
  • Leave a detailed voicemail if necessary.
  • Adhere to business hours for non-emergency calls.

Keep in Mind

Verbal agreements made over phone calls can sometimes be binding, depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the agreement. However, it’s still best practice to follow up any verbal agreements with a written confirmation sent via email or traditional mail to provide a tangible record of the agreement.

When to Email Your Tenant

Emailing your tenant is a suitable method when you need to share detailed information, documents, or visual aids.

  • Sharing Visual Information: Emails are great for sharing visual content like infographics, photos, or documents which can help explain complex ideas or give instructions.
  • Sending Reminders: Automated email reminders for rent payments or property maintenance schedules can be a big time saver.
  • Documenting Conversations: Emails provide a time-stamped record of communication which can be useful for future reference.

Tips for Effective Email Communication

  • Ensure clarity and professionalism in your emails.
  • Include all necessary attachments.
  • Schedule emails to be sent during business hours.

Keep in Mind

Emails can serve as legal documentation in many jurisdictions, provided they include all necessary information and adhere to any specific legal requirements. They offer a time-stamped record of communication, which can be crucial in legal scenarios.

a blond landlord in a grey sweater researches rental market updates on their laptop while having a cup of coffee

However, certain notifications, such as eviction notices or other serious legal matters, may require formal letters or notices sent via certified mail. It's advisable to consult with a legal advisor to understand the specifics of email communication legality in your state.

When to Text Your Tenant

Texting can be a convenient and efficient method to communicate with your tenants, especially for quick updates, important but non-urgent matters, or when you can’t get in touch by phone.

  • Immediate Attention: Most people check their texts frequently so the odds are high that your text will get read quickly, making them effective for urgent reminders.
  • Universal Accessibility: Texts can be received on any mobile phone, making them a convenient choice for quick updates.
  • Competitive Edge: Being a tech-savvy landlord who utilizes text messaging can enhance your appeal to prospective tenants.

Tips for Effective Texting

  • Obtain tenants' permission for text communication.
  • Define the type of information to be shared via text.
  • Use property management software for organized text communication.

Keep in Mind

Text messages can provide a digital trail of communication. However, their acceptability as legal documentation can vary significantly across different jurisdictions. Text messages may be suitable for informal communication or reminders, but may not satisfy legal requirements for more formal notifications.

person showing someone else their smartphone

It's essential to follow up important text communications with more formal methods when necessary and to keep a record of all text message communications.

Important Considerations for Landlords

Communicating effectively with tenants is a crucial aspect of successful property management and retaining long-term tenants. Here are some important considerations for landlords when communicating via calls, texts, or emails:


Be clear and concise in your communication to avoid misunderstandings. Ensure that the purpose of your communication is well-understood.


Obtain consent for the preferred method of communication, especially for text messages. Ensure tenants are comfortable with the frequency and method of communication.


Respond to tenant communications in a timely manner to build trust and maintain a good landlord-tenant relationship. Send important notifications, such as rent reminders or maintenance schedules, well in advance.


Keep a record of all communications, including dates and times, as they may be needed for future reference or in case of disputes. Utilize property management software to organize and store communication records efficiently.


Respect the privacy of your tenants by avoiding intrusive or personal questions. Adhere to legal guidelines regarding tenant privacy.

Emergency Protocols

Have clear protocols for emergency communication, ensuring that tenants can reach you (or a designated contact) quickly in case of emergencies. Provide alternative communication channels for urgent situations.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the communication maze with your tenants need not be a daunting task. Whether through emails, texts, or calls, each channel has its unique strengths tailored for different scenarios.

Balancing between them is key to fostering a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship. If the task seems overwhelming, considering professional help is a wise choice.

A property management company like Ridgewood Property Management can take the reins, ensuring clear, timely, and professional communication with your tenants.

Entrusting your property to Ridgewood Property Management not only elevates the tenant experience but also gives you peace of mind. Your communication conundrum is solved effortlessly!